Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Empower children of the light ministries with income projects to help us...

Please take a moment to watch this video and prayerfully consider empowering us with a one off donation so we can reach the 30 children under our Children of the Light Gospel Ministry-Soroti​ programs. We believe that, once we are empowered with Photography and audion income projects, We will be able to sponsor the unsponsored children under our care. We need a one time donation of $3,556.00 to invest into this projects. If your church has been looking out on where to reach the needy children, you can share with you Pastor about considering partnering with us. We shall keep sharing with your group the impact of the projects in uganda here. Thank you

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Primary to High School

Children of the light ministries Updates Seven Children sat for Primary Leaving Examination and all scored first Grade. Here’s a short video...